活動與演講 - 【學生】轉知馬來西亞姊妹校拉曼大學「International Young Leaders Summer Programme 2024: Cultural Identity and Local Heritage - Empowering Young Leaders with SDG 12」活動。
公告日期:2024-06-28 / 公告人:teacher














國際長 葉劍木




TKU Malaysian Partner University Information Session: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) “International Young Leaders Summer Programme 2024: Cultural Identity and Local Heritage - Empowering Young Leaders with SDG 12”


I.Program Description:

1.Schedule: August 18, 2024, to August 24, 2024

2.Information: Please find the flyer in Attachment 1.

3.Program Fee: USD 650

4.Number of Participants: Unlimited

5.Eligibility: Tamkang University students

6.Registration Method: Complete the online registration form using the following links:

For TKU University's registration form: https://forms.office.com/r/aWxtY7k0ii

For UTAR's registration form: https://shorturl.at/fthdl


II.Deadline: If you’re interested in the program, Please complete the registration by Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 2:00 PM.


III.Contact: Jacob Chan, ext.3759 (auix@oa.tku.edu.tw), International and Cross-Strait Exchange Section


IV.The activity is connected with Sustainable Development Goals, SDG 4(Quality Education), SDG 8(Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG12(Responsible Consumption and Production) & SDG 17(Partnerships For The Goals).


Chien-Mu Yeh PhD

Dean, Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs